Орит Пелег-Баркат
Доктор археологии, преподаватель и глава отделения классической археологии Института археологии Еврейского университета в Иерусалиме. Закончила программу пост-доктората в Оксфордском университете, участник археологических раскопок в Мидрасе, Рамат-ха-Надив и Эйн-Геди. Автор многочисленных публикаций, в том числе книги по иродианской архитектуре Иерусалима.
A senior lecturer at the Department of Classical Archaeology at the Hebrew University’s Institute of Archaeology. After completing my PhD in 2007, I spent one year as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Oxford (Lincoln College). I have participated in and directed numerous archeological projects and excavations, including at Horvat Midras, Ramat Hanadiv and En Gedi. I am the author of many scientific articles and of the recently published book The Temple Mount Excavations in Jerusalem, 1976-1978 Directed by Benjamin Mazar, Final Reports, Vol. V: Herodian Architectural Decoration and King Herod’s Royal Portico.