Эндрю Бенджамин
Эндрю Бенджамин (Andrew Benjamin) - профессор философии Kingston University (Лондон) и профессор архитектуры University of Technology (Сидней, Австралия), специалист по философской эстетике. Автор множества книг, в том числе:
Virtue in being: Towards an Ethics of the Unconditioned, 2016
Art’s philosophical work, 2015
Towards a relational ontology, 2015
Working with Walter Benjamin: recovering a political philosophy, 2013
Of Jews and animals, 2010
Place, commonality and judgment: continental philosophy and the ancient Greeks, 2010
Style and Time: Essays on the Politics of Appearance, 2006
Disclosing Spaces: On Painting, 2004
Philosophy's Literature, 2001
Architectural Philosophy, 2000
Present Hope: Philosophy, Architecture, Judaism, 1997