Sergey Fokin
Scholar of Literature
Sergey Fokin, philologist, historian of ideas, translator, Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, professor of the Department of Inter-Disciplinary Linguistic and Literary Studies of Saint-Petersburg State University, Head of the Department of Romance Languages and Translation at the Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics. His academic interests include Russian and French literature and philosophy, the cultural connections between Germany and France, the poetics of text, the history, theory and philosophy of translation. He has written a number of papers on the above subjects, including the monographs George Bataille: A Philosopher beside Himself [Zhorzh Batay: Filosof-vne-sebya] (2002) and Dostoevsky’s Figures in 20th-Century French Literature [Figury Dostoevskogo vo frantsuzskoy literature XX veka] (2013).