Shaul Bassi
Scholar of literature
Shaul Bassi is a professor of English and postcolonial literature at Ca’Foscari University of Venice. His research, teaching and publications are divided between Shakespeare, postcolonial studies (India and Africa), and Jewish studies. He has published Le metamorfosi di Otello. Storia di un’etnicità immaginaria (Grafis, 2000) and edited an Italian critical edition of Otello (Marsilio, 2009). Recent publications include Visions of Venice in Shakespeare (with Laura Tosi, Ashgate, 2011), Experiences of Freedom in Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures (with Annalisa Oboe, Routledge, 2011); Shakespeare’s Italy and Italy’s Shakespeare. Place, ‘Race’, and Politics (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016).