Nelly Motroshilova
Professor, Chief Research Fellow of the Department of the History of Western Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences.
PhD in Philosophy (1963). PhD Thesis: «Criticism of idealistic theories of activity of the subject (on the example of Edmund Husserl's phenomenology and sociology of knowledge)» (Institute of Philosopy, The USSR Academy of Sciences).
DSc in Philosophy (1970). DSc Thesis: «On a problem of social conditionality of knowledge (from a history of philosophy XVII–XVIII centuries)» (Institute of Philosopy, The USSR Academy of Sciences).
Editor-in-Chief: «History of Philosophy Yearbook» [Istoriko-filosofskij ezhegodnik] (Moscow, Russia).
Editorial-board member: «Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie» (Berlin, Germany);
«Studia Spinozana» (Würzburg, Germany); «Hegel Bulletin» (=«Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain») (Great Britain); «Arhe: časopis za filozofiju» / «Arche: Journal of Philosophy» (Novi Sad, Serbia);
«Prolegomena: časopis za filozofiju» / «Prolegomena: Journal of Philosophy» (Zagreb, Croatia);
«Santalka: Filosofija, Komunikacija» / «Coactivity: Philosophy, Communication» (Vilnius, Lithuania).
«The Questions of Philosophy» [Voprosu philosophii] (journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia), «Philosophical Journal» (journal of the Institute of Philosophy RAS, Moscow, Russia);
«Annual for Phenomenological Philosophy» (journal of the Russian State University for Humanities, Moscow, Russia).
Awards: Silver Medal «For Contribution in the Development of Philosophy» (2009);
Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany: Verdienstorden der Bundesrepublik Deutschland «Bundesverdienstkreuz am Band» (2005);
The Plekhanov Prize under the decision of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
Humboldt Research Award, Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung (1994).