Nina Braginskaya
An alumnus of Moscow University (1972) Nina Braginskaya has been working as a free lance up to the end of the communist epoch. She translated ancient authors and wrote commentaries on the works of Aristotle, Plutarch, Dio Chrysostomus, Titus Livius, Cicero and others, and published papers on ancient theater, arts and literature. Since 1992 (habilitation work on Philostrat's Images') she is a Leading Research Scholar at the Institute for Advanced Study and since 2003 a Professor of Classics at the Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies (Russian State University for the Humanities). More than 200 scholarly works published (mostly in Russian). The recent decade is dedicated to the study
of the ancient novel. Few works published in English (articles and bibliography of Russian works on the ancient novel in Ancient narrative 2002), paper Narrative as a By-Product of Exegesis . In: The Narrative in the Light of Comparative
Studies. Warszawa, 2005), and more in Russian: a book of detailed commentary on Psellus' epistle which compared Achilles Tatius and Heliodorus ("Hyrgos logos", 2003), long studies on "Joseph and Aseneth as a midrash' before midrash and a novel' before novel (Vestnik drevnej istorii, 2005 and 2007); and on the "message" of Vita Aesopi G as radically different from that of W (2007) etc. She is working now on a Christian novel "Galactio and Episteme" and on comparison of the ancient novel, Christian, and Jewish Apocrypha.