Maghreb in Jerusalem

  • 08 August 2017
    How much overlooked is the contribution of Oriental Jews to the revival of Hebrew
    • 08 August 2017, 12:30

    Lecture by the professor of linguistics Yehudit Henshke (University of Haifa) is a part of Eshkolot Festival of Jewish Texts and Ideas "War and Peace of Languages: Linguistic History of Jerusalem" (Jerusalem, August 7-10, 2017)

    The "official" history of the revival of Hebrew as a national Jewish language is mostly focused on the contribution of European Jews to this revolutionary process. Meanwhile, professor of linguistics Yehudit Henshke, who conducted many research projects in modern Hebrew, demonstrates that Traditional-Mizrahi Hebrew heavily influenced by Judeo-Arabic vernaculars is one of the dominant sociolects in contemporary Israel. How can we discern the voice of Maghreb in the market places and narrow streets of Jerusalem?

    The lecture is scheduled for August 8, 12.30 at Beit Avi Chai in Jerusalem (44 King George St.), entrance free.

    The lecture will be streamed live on this page.

    Prof. Henshke's talk is in Hebrew with simultaneous Russian translation.

    Background reading for the lecture.